Phpstorm 2018
Phpstorm 2018

17:47:44,986 INFO - saveProjectsAndApp took 23 ms 17:46:39,289 INFO - saveProjectsAndApp took 48 ms Name:, URL:, error: Remote URL test failed: remote: HTTP Basic: Access deniedAuthentication failed for '' 17:45:40,207 WARN - a.remote.GitDefineRemoteDialog - Invalid remote. "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PhpStorm 2018.3.1\bin\runnerw64.exe" "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" -c credential.helper= -c core.quotepath=false -c log.showSignature=false ls-remote 17:44:18,269 INFO - replace '/actions/edit.svg' with '/icons/actions/edit.svg' 17:44:15,350 INFO - replace '/actions/showAsTree.svg' with '/icons/actions/showAsTree.svg' 17:44:14,268 INFO - replace '/actions/diagramDiff.svg' with '/icons/actions/diagramDiff.svg' 17:44:14,262 INFO - replace '/actions/checkOut.svg' with '/icons/actions/checkOut.svg' 17:44:14,255 INFO - replace '/actions/commit.svg' with '/icons/actions/commit.svg' Idea.log 17:44:06,412 INFO - saveProjectsAndApp took 188 ms

phpstorm 2018

The password is entered correctly, checked by entering the gitlab in the browser. But I deleted it and tried to add it againĪ password is requested, but a password is not accepted.

Phpstorm 2018