Download final fantasy vi remake pc
Download final fantasy vi remake pc

download final fantasy vi remake pc

Call it a bit of "friendly" rivalry perhaps. When it became apparent that we were going to need just a little more time to get things right as January 1st approached, it was eventually decided to instead release Brave New World 2.1 alongside Square's own official re-(re-re-re-re-re-re-)release of Final Fantasy VI. Those of you who have been following me for awhile know of my fondness for New Years releases, so a release date of February 23rd might seem a little out of character. That said, the vast majority of the changes here are bugfixes or quality of life enhancements, such as wagers no longer being lost at the Colosseum if you lose and Celes remaining in her "defend" stance to indicate that Runic is still active. Of particular note is a new "multitap" patch allowing support for up to 4 players, which resulted in quite possibly the most fun a lot of us have had in an online stream in recent memory. While certainly not the massive jump that 2.0 was from 1.9, there's still a lot of new goodies to unpack here. which eventually evolved into the major one you now see before you.

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I slowly began collecting reports of bugs that had slipped through 2.0's extensive beta process and held off for as long as I could for the inevitable minor bugfix update. (New to Brave New World? Check out this thread for a brief explanation of what it does or dive straight into the Readme.)Ī little over two years, we released Brave New World 2.0: what we were sure would be the last major release for a good long while, possibly even forever.

Download final fantasy vi remake pc