Chm viewer online
Chm viewer online

chm viewer online

It correctly shows the index and table of context in Russian, Korean, Chinese and Japanese help files, and with new search engine is able to search in any chm file no matter what language it is written.In business activities, we usually receive some files in CHM formats from customer, but for Mac users, they can't open CHM files directly without CHM reader Mac. Unlike other viewers, kchmviewer in most cases is able to correctly detect the chm file encoding and show it. The main advantage of kchmviewer is the best support for non-English languages. It does not require KDE, but may be compiled with full KDE support, including KDE widgets and KIO/KHTML. Unlike most existing CHM viewers for Unix, it uses Trolltech Qt widget library, and could optionally use KDE libraries for better KDE integration. Downloadable files can be found here, plus xchm is assembled for wide range of Linux distributions ( sudo apt-get install -y xchm will install xchm in Ubuntu and Debian).Īnother CHM reader for Linux is kchmviewer for KDE. mht files and complicated non-Latin charsets. xchm has several limitations like these: it can’t handle *. Originally it was written for UNIX systems (Linux, *BSD, Solaris), some time later xCHM has been ported to Mac OS X and Windows. RPM packages and Source tarballs can be downloaded from here.Īnother tool to read CHM files is xchm that is a cross-platform GUI front-end to chmlib. This utility is included into many Linux distributions repositories and as the result you can install it via one command in Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install gnochm. Support for multiple languages (be, cs, de, el, es, fr, hu, it, ja, pl, pt_BR, ru, sv, tr, vi, zh_CN, zh_TW).First CHM reader in our “review” is gnochm that is designed to integrate with Gnome. There are three most popular tools to read CHM files in Linux: gnochm, xchm and kchmviewer. It was first introduced with the release of Windows 98 crap. CHM is the file extension for Microsoft Compiled HTML Help that is a proprietary format for online help files, developed by Microsoft and first released in 1997 as a successor to the Microsoft WinHelp format.

Chm viewer online